Thursday, August 9, 2007

Peas, Glorious Peas

We got back from the Dr today and she said he needs to be eating lots of real food, so I went and bought him some more food. Today's new food was peas. I think he might like them more than avocado! That's my boy! (I LOVE peas!) Dad fed him tonight, and he got mad when he did not shovel peas fast enough. He got that from me too... I inhale my food!

1 comment:

Rich and Jen said...

So fun! We video Evie every time we feed her a new food, in hopes of one of those funny baby faces you see on America's Funniest Videos. She tends to be very contemplative about her food. :o)

So, when are you gonna give him Cheerios? (or Puffs, or whatever you choose) I'm considering it, but not sure when she's really ready. I think I'll do tiny pieces of bananas first (she's already tried the pureed kind) So far we've only done pureed baby food, not finger foods.