Friday, June 22, 2007

I can sit up!

My parents came to visit this weekend and my dad put Lucas down on the floor... and he stayed there... and did not fall over! Now mind you this was for 30 seconds or less, but I DIDN'T KNOW HE COULD DO THAT! Now I have been on a quest all week to catch him in the act. Kind of hard to do since I have to have the camera out and ready AND catch him during those 30 seconds before he topples over! haha! The first picture was from Tuesday, and the other one was later in the week.


Christy@pipandsqueak said...

A great way to practice is to sit him in the "hole" of a boppy. That way he can sit but if he starts to fall over, the boppy catches him before he bonks his head. This is an exciting skill, it opens all kinds of new activities up to you all.

Rich and Jen said...

Evie will sit up for about 15 seconds if all conditions are optimal. I look forward to her mastering this skill. :o)