Thursday, June 28, 2007


What is it about males of the species and the remote? Lucas has become in awe of the remote the past two weeks. When he is really cranky, I can give him the remote, and he will be happy for another five minutes! Of course Dave freaks out. Don't let him ruin MY remote! he screams! haha! I never had a chance. (In the blue and green shirt, I am 'teasing' him with the remote... see the look of pure love on his face?)


Rich and Jen said...

That's funny...well, Evie is doing the chick equivalent:she enjoys grabbing my little red cell phone. She must be getting ready to be a teenage girl on the phone all the time (in this day and age, she'll probably want to text message).

Rich and Jen said...

Hey, Jennifer, you've been "tagged." See my blog for details. :o)